Sunday, May 25, 2008

Is this Chennai????

Well, was'nt yesterday an interesting experience in my life. I went to the Chepauk stadium, after a gap of seven years to watch a between CSK and RR. I won't go into the changes there because i have no inkling of an idea of how the stadium looked in my tender years.

I'll let you in on one thing that completely blew me off my feet. Left me speechless. Stupified me. Clean stumped me. Oh, and let me assure you it was'nt the cheerleaders (Its a sad story, this part, i'll leave it till the end.) As young and carefree Chennaites we know the in-spots - Citi centre, spencers, satyam...(Those who did'nt follow me, there's an exceedingly good chance you won't be able to follow the next part. And you people would definitely be knowing about the preciousness of time, so why not give the next part a miss? ) Well, who would have thought that Chepauk would stand a chance against these abodes of - well, u know.(They are not much of one, but its the best we've got). I had come back from banglore only that morning- so don't put notions of over-exaggeration in your minds when i say Chepauk could have given Banglore a run for its money. You could make this connection - Chepauk as the CSK and Banglore as the RR. No matter how hard CSK try, they can never beat the RR, who somehow manage to be one step higher, but we all agree that it was a close fought contest.

There was the usual crowd, what u'd expect if you hold a cricket match here. But interspersed frequently, in fact too frequently for chennai's standards, were objects of attraction that you would normally associate with Banglore. I'm not complaining, only taken aback !! Anyway its good, ain't it?

Coming to the match, i'd say it was one of the best of the IPL. It had a bit of everything in the right measures. RR had a blazing start, thanks to Asnodkar and Smith. Then CSK managed to pull it back in the middle overs. I'll pause and add - 'a little bit'. After all they did manage to post 211. Well we had the usual start, Fleming running himself out (He probably did a Ganguly, getting out when the going gets tough).
Patel made a half-century (surprise), but he more than made up for his good deed by getting out at the most inoppurtune moment. Some say he was brave, some say he had no other choice, i say he was an imbecile - taking on Shane Warne of all people and in an over where Morkel had already scored 13 runs.
By god, it was worth going there just to see Morkel in action - the ease with which he clears the ropes is astounding. And he's so cool and calm under pressure. He's a Klusner in the making all right.

That's enough of an overview of the match. Moving on.....

Yes the cheerleaders part....sad..sad... I was lucky to be in a stand right behind where the RR cheerleaders were to perform. (This is for those who have'nt been to an IPL match. The cheerleaders dais are arranged like this - two on either side of the pitch, and of opposing teams.). I was happy- i mean imagine being stuck behind the CSK cheerleaders, them and their winter clothing !! But it was'nt to be. The heat was quite intense and i suppose they were'nt quite made for our weather. Well one of them got dehydrated and they shifted their base of operations to the opposite side of the ground. There went one interesting part of the match! I was there right behind them...... hmmmm...... But believe it or not when i went back up to the back rows ,my oh my, lotsa cheerleader material there on the stand ! Nice.... Chennai's come a long way - why oh why then do they not change the cheerleaders they have right now, lotsa local talent around u ppl.
But you got to give the CSK cheerleaders credit for their stamina and passion. They were up and waving and cheering , after every over, wicket, boundary. Not much the RR cheerleaders did, even though their team won, their counterparts did most of the cheering.

I got to admit - a window of opportunity opened, i slammed it shut ! I mean it was right there, in the most unlikely of places. I suppose i was least prepared for it - though i doubt if preparation really helps.I mean u need a sort of spontaenity, right? I wish I don't go around wasting such opportunities too much....( I'm just musing here, if u don't follow, don't worry- no verbal cluttery in these words, just thinking aloud my thoughts.)

Chennai's no longer a traditional place. Nor is it modern. I'd say its got a nice mix of both. And that makes a nice combination. Some say its a drab place- example would be a person whom i have given a testimonial and he is yet to reciprocate it. Well to all such guys out there - its there , u just got to open ur eyes a little wider, explore the place a bit more, don't give in to disappointment, u just have to try harder- chennai's a challenge. Relish it. Now i'd better sign off and disappear into oblivion before a certain section o' chennai comes searchin for me - with, i shudder to think what........ "oi, watch it, you . That thing's sharp, u might hurt someone....hey hey.... noooooooo.........."

Monday, May 12, 2008

'The one' strikes yet again

A few of us decided to take a trip to Chennai citi centre. Yes , the person whom you expect to be with us was present. After an exhausting time at landmark we made our way to the food court to delight our tummies with some yummies. All seemed to be okay with the person in his usual goofy self. But what we post here are only situations where he attains a state of stupidity never achieved before and that moment was not too far and it also turned out to be a double delight.

We had finished our pizzas and had moved on to dessert. 'The one' ordered a sundae and so did another friend. Just as everyone were enjoying the taste 'the one' was not enough with gobbling up his own sundae but was lustfur for the others' too. So his scheming brain came up with a plan. He decided to exchange his with the friend mentioned above. Guess what he thought he was making a good deal when he realizes tat the the cup he exchanged for was half full and the one he got in return was empty. Now if this does not demonstrate the unique way in which his brain functions take the next instance.

We were near the play zone when a girl manning the counter caught our attention as she seemed to resemble a certain person. So just inquisitively we started making estimations of her age.
The results:
1) 20+ yrs
2) 20 -25 yrs
3) 25-35 yrs

Yes your eyes are fine. That bewildering estimation was made by a different species which till date we have not been able to understand. The demonstration of the these functions of the brain has invoked new questions in our quest to crack the identity of this infamous species.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


To all the DOTA fans out there - sorry mates. Please don't read this.... and even if u do, don't come looking for me. I like my face as it is.........
Well... DOTA.... what a way to waste time. I heard that it is a part of the warcraft game - some map or something in it. That would give u a general idea of how time consuming can get. I mean, come on, warcraft, the game that's so addictive and never ends - u got to put in loads of time before u can even think of finishing it.
I'll tell you now why i'm writing this. Because i see that a lot of my friends have fallen prey to this game. I mean they are absolute addicts. Can't talk of nothing else but DOTA stratregies
( and yeah.. i do find it a bit difficult to take part in a conversation that goes like

"Hey da, did u try that WTF mode in DOTA?? "
"Eh, whats that?"
"Hey, its awesome... here heroes can cast spells continuously........"

It goes on.... I can't follow a word or even get one in. When two DOTA fans are talking they are switched off to the rest of the world. Unless, of course another fan comes by .)

People tell me playing DOTA is something that one must try to find out how good it really is. I have so far given that a wide berth. I mean the people who have tried it once, have , well been unable to keep their minds off it. Besides there are better things to do in life than sit in front of a computer and create heroes, armies, destroy enemies. But don't ask me what the better things are, i'm still trying to find them out. I'll tell you this much though, anything, absolutely anything will be better than DOTA. What do you gain by it, i wonder ... if anyone's got a reply to that please use the comments section.
Recently i asked one of my friends whether he wanted to come to a cricket match at the stadium.
He said "Sorry mate, but i'm kinda busy that day." So far , quite normal, u'd say. And u would'nt be too wrong either. But guess what he added?..... "Could v go the next day" !!!!!