Friday, October 23, 2009

Shaastra 09 - all about MA trip

Another Shaastra gone by.......

Cometh October it came. And in the wink of an eye it was gone. A Shaastra I looked forward to most eagerly. It did not disappoint. Nor was it of the stature I expected it to be.

The air show and the laser show pulled the largest crowd but overall the turnout of people for the event was a bit disappointing. I've lived two Shaastras so far and it hurts me to say that crowd and entertainment-wise my first was the best, closely followed by the Shaastra 2008. And the fact that this had to happen when I was in-charge of publicity in Chennai (as some people blatantly pointed out) was like adding fuel to the fire. Well, all that is in the past now.

However I got to admit food-wise it was by far the best. This might be because I had unlimited access to free Still...

Oh and the MA trip - that was what this Shaastra was all about. The involvement of MA students in organising the event and the constant banter(well carried out by the newsletter team - even though that TEAM was dominated by MAs) meted out to them. IITM is changing - with scope for IIIT and MA students to take an active interest in campus life. Can't really complain - they are after all a part and parcel of this institute (sigh :P)

Mindblock - really can't think of a grand finale to this post. I'll make up for it in my next. Tschau...

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