Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sixth senses at work - overtime

Maybe I have a sixth sense. Maybe I have this occult thing for weather prediction. Maybe I am gifted with foretelling the future. Ok, THAT is definitely not true. However it is true that I did notice something weird about today's weather. It is also true, unfortunately that I did not predict anything fruitful from it. So there goes another opportunity to have put PSEUD.

Anyway, it was in the ID 120 class that I noticed it was unnaturally sultry. Boy, I was sitting right under the fan , yet I was sweating like crazy. It is a class that is meant for sleeping, to rest your body and I was mad I could not do it. Maybe it was that, what made me realise that the weather was too darn sultry, even by Chennai's standards.

And believe it or not, it rained this evening, a welcome break from the monotonous heat. A cool night awaits me. Can't wait to be in bed. Pity I'll be alone :-(

1 comment:

the 'one' said...

almost the entire city knew tat it was going to rain tat day......if u hav any sense of meteorology if its sultry and humid in the morning it sure as hell going to rain in the night so u do not hav the sixth sense...the predictive sort of....