Saturday, May 16, 2009

All in a day

Oh Praveen ... Praveen old chap, where the f*** are you !!??!!
Wondering with your tiny little brain why I'm shouting out his name ? I'll tell you. He has the pics of me and jeffrey archer and we are not in different photos. Lost are you. Well let me just rewind it a bit for you.

Year 1990. A genius is born with the sole intention to..... Okay, wait not that far back. May 11 2009, 6PM. There I am standing in front of landmark, after the mad rush through the evening traffic on mount road, on my trusted steed, a kine.... Wait, need I embarass myself like this. Anyway so there I was in front of landmark, clutching a copy of a prisoner of birth. Landmark, chennai was the start off point of Jeffrey Archer's India tour, you see.

So inside i went, after a small tussle with the doorman about the book i was taking inside. Like a good friend i waited for one of my friends to turn up, he who said be there at 6 !! It took all my will power not to settle down on one of the seats, what with the fairer sex, mind you it was the higher echleon of the fairer sex, plopping down on seats right left and centre. There is only so much will power a person a muster and my limit was reached. With a determined mind I sat down on a seat next to a random girl ( most of the other 'good' seats were taken) and before i could even think of what to say, there comes this guy , out of the blue, and they enter into an animated conversation. I look around quickly, searching for another 'good' seat , to salvage my pride but it just was'nt my day ! They say, every dog has its day - but godammit i'm neither a dog nor is one day enuff for me !!

I've read a couple of JA's books - not a bad writer actually - simple, elegant, neat storyteller. Still the only reason i was there was my friend ( who showed up so late all he got to do was keep his body tight and rigid, shove ppl awat from himself to prevent getting crushed, sweat like crazy, and catch maybe phrases of JA's excellent monologue. JA can talk !! You got to attend one of his book signing's to actually experience and get immersed in his charisma. It was impressive enough that i stayed back for a couple of hours to get my book signed and for a photo session. The wait was worth it. There was also other pleasing visual sensations to keep me occupied :P It got me wondering ... what were these visual sensations doing here? were they really into JA or was it just a ruse to fool the outside world ? hmmm... taht, i'm afraid is an open question (u can always leave your comments) Anyway they were there and thats all that mattered:-) I was happy i lived up to the saying (might be mine) god made beauty so man can enjoy it.

After having a pic of me and JA taken I got involved in an argument with one of my literature friends about the difference between a novel and a fiction. How i regret that. I could not get a good shot at the damsel in red cause of it !! BAD DAY..!!

Anyway lemme continue with my hunt for Praveen... Praveen, my boy, where art thou ?

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