Friday, May 15, 2009


The beginning of the holidays !! Are always a pleasant time. Relieved from the shackles of a killer semester, going to sleep as late as you can with no bother of getting up early to rush to classes(where you're knocked off to sleep anyway ), being back at home, done with the mad rush of the last few days of your sem that were spent with your noses ground to innumerable books ( that suddenly made sense, when u find u have no time to read them !!). Oh boy now that I look back on those days I wonder how I survived them.
But you know time has a weird effect on all things in life. You look forward to something with great expectation and then when you do get it, well, its not that big a deal as what you made it out to be. This is the way with holidays. You expect it eagerly - it takes a long time to arrive and then you find out halfway(if u're lucky), maybe sem was more fun than this !! But THAT ladies and gentlemen, is a CRIME. YOU cannot let it happen. Hols are not meant for getting tired of !!
Never happens with me. And the secret is.. Do not look forward too much for the hols to begin. Let them take their own pace in arriving. Chalk out a strategy to tackle the vast emptiness of the hols ( specially so if it lasts more than 2 months, he he)
Stop...stop ... STOP it I say...
There i go, digressing again. Let me get back to the topic at hand. Oh wait, THERE is no topic. This is just a random thought process blog !! But wait.. There's more. Yours truly has more in store for you over the next 3 months. Glorious summer hols ( ah, imagine beaches, bikini's ... oh the life ) are here and my creative hat is on, the pen is poised and the ink is ready to flow (make what you want outta that sentence..the dirtier you think the better... lol ) . So expect the unexpected, sometimes I surprise myself :-)

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